Ankle Injuries

Ankle Injuries

Possibly the most common sporting injury. Ankle ligament injuries occur in activities requiring rapid changes in direction, especially if these take place on uneven surfaces. Ankle sprains may be accompanied by an audible snap, crack or tear. Depending on the individual they may be able to continue with their activity or may have to rest immediately due to swelling.
Ankle sprains are one of the most common sporting and non sporting injuries. Two main types:
  • 1. Inversion sprain: The foot turns inwards so that the ligaments on the outside of the ankle are overstretched and sprained. This would account for the majority of this type of injury.

  • 2. Eversion sprain: This involves the foot turning outwards resulting in the deltoid ligament on the inside of the ankle becoming overstretched and sprained.

Ankle Sprains Grades

Ankle sprains are graded according to the severity of the injury:

Grade 1: The ligament is stretched. There will normally be some swelling and pain on touching of the ligament and often with running or jumping.

Grade 2: There is a more severe stretching of the ligament with tearing of some of the fibres of the ligament. There will often be significant pain swelling and often bruising and it will be painful to walk on the foot.

Grade 3: There is a complete tear of the ligament. The ankle will be very painful and it will be extremely painful to walk on the foot. There may also be a feeling of weakness or instability in the ankle.
The presentation of a sprained ankle can mask damage to other structures – such as subtle fractures around the ankle joint and to the dome of the middle ankle joint called the talus and dislocation of tendons that run along the side of the ankle joint. These types of injuries persist much longer than would otherwise be expected with a straightforward lateral ligament sprain.
It is vitally important to rehab the ankle joint correctly to ensure stability and balance is fully restored.

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