Neck & Back Pain

Neck & Back Pain

Neck and back pain will affect most of the population at some time in their lives. It can occur at any age.
Neck and back pain can develop following an accident or fall or for no particular reason. It can also occur due to arthritic joint changes, poor posture or from spending long periods in poor stationary positions. This comes as no surprise when we consider the activities of modern-day life such as sitting at a computer, watching prolonged periods of television or looking down at your phone. These positions lead to an increasing incidence of poor posture particularly forward head posture.

Symptoms range from an ache to intense pain, stiffness and restriction of movement. Pain can often radiate to the arms or legs. Problems within the neck can also cause headache, shoulder pain, jaw pain, pins and needles in the hands, carpal tunnel syndrome and upper back pain.

Once the source of the problem has been identified, a variety of treatment techniques will be used to alleviate the symptoms. Treatment usually consists of exercise to increase range of movement and strengthen the postural and stability muscles.
Postural advice such as advising on an appropriate pillow for sleeping. Ergonomic assessment to ensure the work station is appropriately set up.

Physiotherapy will treat with Manual therapy such as massage, deep dry needling and joint mobilization. Provide an individualized treatment programme. Develop a management plan to prevent the reoccurrence of the issue.

Maria Walsh Chartered Physiotherapy Clinic

is covered by all major health insurers including:
