Dry Needling

Dry Needling

Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy, is also known as Trigger Point Therapy. This refers to the treatment of myofascial trigger points (MTrP) or 'trigger points' (TrP) that are found in muscles and fascia. Myofascial trigger points are painful, tense areas that are found in muscles. Myofascial trigger points can be found anywhere on the body and are one of the most common causes for chronic musculoskeletal pain, also known as myofascial pain.

There are two primary methods for treating trigger points, Manual Trigger Point Therapy and Dry Needling.


Pain and myofascial Trigger points

Trigger points may not be painful other than to direct pressure. They refer pain elsewhere to adjacent or remote areas. The origin of the pain and the area where it manifests can be different. For example headaches can be related to trigger points in the neck muscles. The referred pain is a characteristic feature of myofascial trigger points. It forms the basis for its name "Trigger Point ", as it corresponds to one area triggering pain elsewhere.

Dry Needling is a very effective form of Trigger Point Therapy. Dry Needling uses sterile acupuncture needles inserted into the trigger point. The pin prick action stimulates the oxygenation of the contracted muscle fibers and the fascia, improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation and thus sustainably reduces the local tension in the tissue. The pin prick into the trigger point produces a short contraction of the taut band, known as the local twitch response. When this local twitch response occurs, a brief painful response might be felt but only for that brief moment.

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