Are you working from home?

Are you working from home?

Here are some tips for preventing back pain while doing so.

1. Avoid sitting on the couch or bed whilst working on your laptop.

2. Make sure you stand up and move regularly.

3. Make sure you sit up correctly in your office chair. A simple way to encourage this is to place a small rolled up towel at the base of you chair and lower back. Then, when you sit into the chair sit deep into the back of the chair, keeping contact between with rolled up towel and your back.

4. Make sure the screen for your desktop is at the correct height. The top of the screen should be at the same height as your eyebrows. Use a separate keyboard where possible.

5. Pull your chair in close to the table to try to keep your elbows at 90 degrees

Please contact our clinic to discuss any issues. Our skilled physios will be on hand to diagnose your problem, and management techniques, exercises, postural advice and ergonomic advice if working from home.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to use the text line also at 087 1218133 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.