Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow



This is a condition where the tendons that attach to the outside bony prominence of the elbow become painful, making it difficult to move the arm. The medical term is lateral epicondyalgia.


There are a number of very small tendons that make up the common extensors attaching to the outside of the elbow, these include extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum communis, extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor digiti minimi.


  • Pain when bending the wrist and fingers, especially the index and middle fingers.
  • Pain when gripping an object.
  • Tenderness over the outside bony area of the elbow.



Typically caused by overuse, underuse or excessive forces that weaken the tendon and result in some form of tendon breakdown.


If the symptoms are mild they may resolve themselves over the course of 6 weeks. If symptoms are more severe it may be necessary to seek treatment earlier than 6 weeks.


The key treatments for tennis elbow are:

  • Load management
  • Specific exercise programmes

It is very important to immediately reduce and control the load on the tendons, for example modifying your workstation and position of wrist on computer mouse pad, reduce repetitive movements or activities.

The next stage is to begin a progressive exercise programme to stimulate remodelling of the tendon and to address any muscle weaknesses and imbalances that are noted. The type and dosage of exercise prescribed will depend on the stage of healing of the tendon.

Additional treatments included are manual therapy, deep dry needling, ultrasound, strapping, taping and bracing. 



See a physiotherapist if symptoms persist and they will guide on recommendations for assessment and treatment.

Are you working from home?

Are you working from home?

Here are some tips for preventing back pain while doing so.

1. Avoid sitting on the couch or bed whilst working on your laptop.

2. Make sure you stand up and move regularly.

3. Make sure you sit up correctly in your office chair. A simple way to encourage this is to place a small rolled up towel at the base of you chair and lower back. Then, when you sit into the chair sit deep into the back of the chair, keeping contact between with rolled up towel and your back.

4. Make sure the screen for your desktop is at the correct height. The top of the screen should be at the same height as your eyebrows. Use a separate keyboard where possible.

5. Pull your chair in close to the table to try to keep your elbows at 90 degrees

Please contact our clinic to discuss any issues. Our skilled physios will be on hand to diagnose your problem, and management techniques, exercises, postural advice and ergonomic advice if working from home.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to use the text line also at 087 1218133 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10 Tips for sitting posture at work

10 Tips for sitting posture at work

10 Tips for Sitting Posture at Work

1. Move your seat height making sure elbows are at a 90 degree angles when typing 

2. Use a footrest or stool if your feet are not comfortably flat on the floor.

3. Position your chair close to the desk, keeping your lower back in contact with the back of the chair.

4. Place the computer screen directly in front of you approximately fingertip distance away. Make sure you can comfortably read the writing on your screen. Adjust the screen height until your eyes are level with the top section of the screen.

5. Tilt the monitor up slightly.

6. Have your keyboard and mouse directly in front of your screen,keep your hand relaxed when holding the mouse.

7. Keep your wrists in line with your forearms when typing or using the mouse.

8. Keep the area under your legs clear to allow you enough room to stretch your legs.

9. Take regular breaks and get up and move.

10. Look away from the screen approximately every 20 minutes, focus on distant objects and blink your eyes regularly.

Please contact our clinic to discuss any issues. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to use the text line also at 087 1218133 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10 Tips for BACK CARE

10 Tips for BACK CARE

10 Tips for BACK CARE.

1. Keep fit and active. Walk, swim and cycling are great activities to keep your back.

2. Avoid working in a stooped or twisted posture for extended periods of time.

3. When lifting and carrying loads maintain good back posture, keeping the load close to you.

4. Limit sitting in very low seating for extended periods.

5. Adjust your work chair to support your back. Stretch on a regular basis and take regular breaks to move about.

6. When driving adjust the car seat to support your back, and adjust the rear view mirror when you first sit into the car. Take breaks on long journeys.

7. It is very important to get a good night’s sleep for physical and mental health and well-being. 7-9 hours sleeps each night are recommended.

8. Consider work-life balance. Stress can lead to muscle tension and discomfort.

9. If you feel back pain, keep moving and avoid sitting for long periods.

10. Consult your GP or chartered physiotherapist if your symptoms persist.

Please contact our clinic to discuss any issues. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to use the text line also at 087 1218133 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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