10 Tips for BACK CARE

10 Tips for BACK CARE

10 Tips for BACK CARE.

1. Keep fit and active. Walk, swim and cycling are great activities to keep your back.

2. Avoid working in a stooped or twisted posture for extended periods of time.

3. When lifting and carrying loads maintain good back posture, keeping the load close to you.

4. Limit sitting in very low seating for extended periods.

5. Adjust your work chair to support your back. Stretch on a regular basis and take regular breaks to move about.

6. When driving adjust the car seat to support your back, and adjust the rear view mirror when you first sit into the car. Take breaks on long journeys.

7. It is very important to get a good night’s sleep for physical and mental health and well-being. 7-9 hours sleeps each night are recommended.

8. Consider work-life balance. Stress can lead to muscle tension and discomfort.

9. If you feel back pain, keep moving and avoid sitting for long periods.

10. Consult your GP or chartered physiotherapist if your symptoms persist.

Please contact our clinic to discuss any issues. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to use the text line also at 087 1218133 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.